Sierra Chapter BMW Car Club – Reno, NV
12 May 2011 @ Pearce Motors
29 Members in Attendance
Guests: Mini Club Member
Art Ona, President, called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
- Introductions. Fred Bursot is a dual member, part-time in Reno and Bay Area. Has a 2002 330 Convertible, 2006 Mini S with Dinan and 2007 650 6-speed.
- Events – John English
- Tahoe Maritime Museum is $4 per person admission, $5 for insurance. Meet at 915 am between Raley’s and Starbucks at Summit on Saturday, May 21.
- Genoa City Drive and Gilbert Barbecue will be June 4, Saturday. Meet at Sierra Summit 10 am. May bring desserts if you want; not required.
- Tahoe Gal Cruise, June 25, Saturday, $5 for insurance, $40 for cruise. Meet between Raley’s and Starbucks at Sierra Summit.
- Melissa Nicholas had an additional event: Mini Meets West. It will be June 21 through 24 at the Cal Neva.
- Art Ona distributed invitations available for the Sport Haus Open House on Friday, May 20, from 5 to 9 pm. It is not a BMW sanctioned event. This is only an invitation of a re-opening by the original owner.
- Dinner locations discussion. Art had spent much time contacting various restaurants and there was a problem with almost all locations. Great Basin said two weeks before, they did not know. BJs did not do separate checks. Pinocchio’s was the same, no separate checks, as several others mentioned. Some do not like Sushi, some do not like Mexican food, some do not like the price of the meals. There was a reservation at La Posada tonight. Dody asked for a show of hands of how many preferred LaVecchia than any other restaurants mentioned thus far. Overwhelming majority for La Vecchia and the food.
- Dinner. Reservations were at La Posada this evening. Headcount of 18 for dinner. Members could proceed to La Posada.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.