Sierra Chapter BMW Car Club – Reno, NV
13 September 2012 @ Pearce Motors
20 in Attendance
Special Board Meeting – 5:50 pm
Nominating Board would consist of Jeff Warner, Jeff Whitesides and DeArmond Sharp. Vote taken at 555 pm by Mike Dietel, Pat McGoff, Art Ona, DeArmond Sharp and Dody Gustafson. Art said his email was also working again.
Board Members Absent: Gilbert Dayao, Melissa Nicholas, John Strom, Carol Villar, Jeff Warner, Jeff Whitesides
General Meeting
Art Ona, President, called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
- Introductions included a member, who was an early member, and has five BMWs. He would like both email addresses added to the club notifications.
- Street Survival, October 6th. Mike Dietel said 25 had signed up and a few more possibly would be signing up, which would probably be a total of 20. Mt Rose may or may not be available with the work they are still doing. There will be a meeting on Thursday, October 4, at 6 pm for all the volunteers. Breakfast snacks and lunch will be provided. Family and friends can sign up to assist. Helpers and students are needed – if we can get 30 students, will need more helpers, but that would be a good group.
- Eldorado Wine Tour September 29 and 30. DeArmond just finished the route setup and instructions. If you want to buy a sandwich, call in the day ahead to pick up – or other things. Information is on the web site for the entire tour and what will be needed and done.
- LaVecchia will be dinner spot for September, October and November. Group is so small tonight (our lowest ever) that we will not need to call in attendees.
- A Membership Director is needed. If you would volunteer for the position, please let him or Pat McGoff know. Pat said he tries to get new members. Pearce lets people know about the meeting. We do not try to secure members by door to door. He will often leave cards on windshields and just try to steer possible members in the right direction. Need to join national in order to be a member of this chapter.
- Nomination Committee slate of officers will be provided at the October meeting, voting will be at the November meeting. Let DeArmond, Jeff Warner and Jeff Whitesides know if you would like to be added to the slate.
General Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.