Sierra Chapter BMW Car Club – Reno, NV
12 April 2012 @ Pearce Motors
20 in Attendance
Art Ona, President, called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM.
- Event Changes:
- April 14 – Virginia City drive is rescheduled by John English due to poor weather coming on Saturday. New date will be Saturday, April 21.
- April 22 – Track School at Reno-Fernley. There are 15 openings; 25 have signed up. Want 40 total. SCCA will be at the track Saturday and some may participate.
- June 23 – Biersch/Embarcadero/Blackhawk Tour cancelled at this time. Winery is closing April 28.
- July 21 – Sonoma WWII BMW Collection and Old Sacramento Railroad Museum. Cancelled at this time; Sonoma collector is MIA.
2. Event revision options discussed.
- Consensus for having the Blackhawk Museum trip to Danville. Russ Huntoon will get back to us on continuing in the Bay Area. There was another winery in the SF Pier area or perhaps one in East Bay that could be added to the trip.
- Sacramento Railroad Museum. Other wineries could be visited in Sonoma, which is quieter than the Napa area. Dawn Hammond will check into a separate winery. All agreed the Sacramento Railroad Museum was an excellent venue as well. Also, if the Tourism Bureau is mentioned in Sonoma you will get discounts.
3. John English discussed small window stickers for our cars. Total price through Silver State Industries at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center would be $167.45 for 250, excluding taxes. Majority agreement on the purchase by those present.
4. Jim Goodfellow renewed the wheels on his Alpina. He noticed the hub caps were all lined up the same. Jim offered to contact the tech him and ask if he would discuss detailing at the May 10 meeting.
5. National BMW CCA Meeting in Dallas. Art attended the conference, as did Melissa Nicholas, Pat McGoff and John English. It was three intensely planned days, about 300 people. There were many items discussed at length. Three items of interest for us right now are the differences between three and four point seatbelts. Three point are safe; four point are not nearly as safe. There is a $25,000 limit by IRS to adhere with nonprofit rules. If nonmembers are at events, insurance could be lost.
6. John English discussed logo shirts and hats and if there was interest in them. It takes $1000 for web site to start up. Jeff Whitesides said our web site could provide a link and individuals could order themselves. It would provide us with some pay back. There was not the interest at this time in making a large investment, but the web site link would possibly work well. The link is from the Golden Gate Chapter website: .
7. Dinner at Los Compadres (it is set up for 24). May and June will be at LeVecchia’s new location off Skyline.
General Meeting adjourned at 650 pm.