December 14, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

  • Post category:Meetings

Sierra chapter board meeting was called to order by President Mart Jaama on December 14, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

Present were:

Mart Jaama
Pat McGoff
Fred Watson
Cheri Huntoon
Russ Huntoon
De Sharp
John Strom
Ron Rachow
Carol Villar (telephonically)

  1. Chapter membership stands at 157 including associates. There is one new member, 5 renewals, and one member seeking transfer from the Sacramento chapter as of December, 2019.
  2. Subjects of discussion:
    1. How to better organize the club
    2. Possible restaurants for dinner following club meetings
    3. How to get more members active in club activities
    4. Can the Sierra chapter survive? More members have to step up for leadership roles. None of the current officers wish to serve beyond their current terms. By-laws mandate a minimum of a president, Vice President, secretary, and treasurer for a chapter to remain active. If volunteers don’t step forward for these positions the chapter will have to shut down. A nominating committee will meet on September 24, 2020 at Napa Sonoma South for lunch and to prepare a proposed slate of nominees to be presented to the membership for voting at the November meeting. This information will be passed to all club members through email and at each meeting. Pat and Carol will validate member email addresses. John Strom suggested the club consider a new member breakfast and wine socials as a possible means of increasing member involvement in club activities. The membership chair will take the lead on following up on these ideas.
    5. The monthly blast to members will now include a link to the chapter website to try and encourage more members to be aware of the fun events of the club.
    6. Proposed schedule of events for 2020:
      January: no events scheduled
      February/March: Russ Huntoon will take charge of arranging a visit to a private car collection.
      April 5th: visit to Reno National Car Museum (Pat McGoff)
      May 16th: Virginia City Drive (John English)
      June 14th: Mart Jaama will lead a day trip, route to be determined.
      July: event to be determined (John Strom)
      August 9th: Annual Picnic (Pat McGoff to locate site)
      September 20th: Monitor Pass Fun Drive (Fred Watson and Mart Jaama)
      October: Wine Tour, date to be determined (De Sharp)
      November 1st: Nevada State Railroad Museum (Russ and Cheri Huntoon)
      December 10th: Christmas party at Bricks (Cheri Huntoon)
  3. John Strom will explore possibilities for joint events with other car clubs as additional events.
  4. There were discussions about BMW publications, the possible demise of Roundel or at least a reduction in number of annual issues; input to Bimmerlife (Fred Watson) and the quarterly regional club newsletter.
  5. Thanks to Pat McGoff for organizing board meeting and providing refreshments.