Sierra Chapter BMW Car Club – Reno, NV
14 July 2011 @ Pearce Motors
26 in Attendance
Jeff Whitesides, Past President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
- Introductions. Jack Newman, member since September 2008. He had a 1600, 2002, 1985 M6 and currently a 335xi.
- Logo Items. The Golden Gate Chapter has a logo used on various items: name tags (it is currently $8 each), T-shirts, caps, jackets, etc. Unanimous that Jeff look into the logo usage on items further and report at the next meeting.
- Club Events.
- Blackhawk Musuem. Russ Huntoon gave an overview of the Blackhawk Museum for July 16 and 17. The route has been changed due to the I-80 work being done. There is still an iceberg in Lake Tahoe and some snow to road level, which is very unusual as we know. Will use Highway 40 and go through Antioch. Leave Saturday morning and stay overnight at the Marriott in San Ramon with dinner in Berkeley. Tour will be Sunday, 10 am; then will be on your own.
- Lincoln County Wine Trip. DeArmond Sharp gave an update. Trip is being expanded to Calavaras and Amador, September 16 and 17. In Plymouth there are still seven rooms available at the Shenandoah Inn (until August 15). Send a message to the webmaster about attending. Will leave Saturday about 8 am, first stop may be the Ironstone Vineyard at Murphy, then Plymouth, a few other stops and back to the Inn.
- Events Calendar. John English was happy to state that basically done for the year. Blackhawk and Wine Tour are set up. There will be no Gilson Show and Shine this year due to a competing event at the Golf Tournament which is supporting Children’s Cabinet this year and dual support by Mercedes. Christmas party ideas are welcome, send any you would like considered during upcoming meetings; have to resolve early enough to reserve space.
- Driving Events – Jeff Warner.
- Tire Rack Street Survival. Will be held on Saturday, September 10, Mt. Rose Ski Resort Parking Lot. This time there will be use of indoor bathroom and classroom. Fire truck will be there, students will use their own cars. Need volunteers as coaches to sit in the cars with the kids. It will be straight ahead braking. Starting age is 15 (with permit) to 22 years old. Need 30 participants. Would like to have 30+ workers, coaches, etc. Do not have to be club members to work this day with the students.
More information next month. SCCA and Consumer Reports have also gotten involved in driver training. Need a flyer to give to schools and Heath Morrison, the Superintendent. Also should put on the web site and any other venues where it would be seen. Jeff will make up a flyer. Jeff was still looking into the Driver’s Edge group (program uses grant funds for public education) that will be up at the Washoe County site. The charge there is $4000 a day. They will have 1100 kids there for free. This is not a Sierra Chapter BMWCCA sanctioned event and has no insurance coverage. - Reno-Fernley. Non-club event, in October. It is too big to do by ourselves – may combine with Mercedes, Porsche, Mini Club, Volvo and perhaps even Ford. Prices for at least 30 cars that are needed are prohibitive. It is $500-600 in California. We could maybe do it for $250 to $300. Format would be open to spouses. Ernie Zanrosso and Jeff were at the track for a full day recently. Per car cost would be established if we had safety training for spouses. For a first time, it would be the $250-300 and would include all exercises until about 2 pm. Then there would be groups on the track and do the lead-follow for the line. Thus it would be a full day for the spouses. Run groups would be based on skill level.
This is not a BMW CCA sanctioned event because CCA instructors will not be in the cars. Insurance is provided by the track. Ambulance, paramedics and corner works are provided. There will be four BMWCCA instructors, which will not be nearly enough.
October 1 date is motorcycles (first available date), so discarded and October 9 is the Mustang Club that is penciled in. Mustang Club has never done the format before. Pro Control will have a curriculum set up. Weekends are open after that for the rest of October. There would be a test and tune day for the guys; no racing allowed. If racing is done, car will be pulled off the track. More information next month.
- Tire Rack Street Survival. Will be held on Saturday, September 10, Mt. Rose Ski Resort Parking Lot. This time there will be use of indoor bathroom and classroom. Fire truck will be there, students will use their own cars. Need volunteers as coaches to sit in the cars with the kids. It will be straight ahead braking. Starting age is 15 (with permit) to 22 years old. Need 30 participants. Would like to have 30+ workers, coaches, etc. Do not have to be club members to work this day with the students.
- Dinner at LeVecchia – 23 participating.
General Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.