CANCELLED: 2020 April Sierra Chapter Meeting
Updated Coronavirus Statement | BimmerLife
The BMW Car Club of America and the BMW Car Club of America Foundation are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our members, chapter leaders, boards, staff, and guests. Last week we published our first statement in reaction to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
We meet on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom.
After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant.
- New Members & Membership Update
- BMW Briefs
- BMW Trivia
- Q&A?
- Dinner @ TBD
Hope to see you there!
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