2019 August Sierra Chapter Meeting
We meet on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom.
After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant.
In July we did a great drive to Nevada City Ca where we also shared a wonderful lunch. Huge thanks to John Strom for organizing this great event. If you like curvy roads, this is the drive for you. I was looking for a few short straights just to unwind. This is the sort of drive we should think about putting on as a yearly event. I sure look forward to doing it again.
Our next event will be on Saturday September 7 for the Monitor Pass Fun Rally/Poker Run organized by Fred Watson. For those who have never been over Monitor Pass, it’s a beautifully breathtaking drive. Lunch will be at Red’s Old 395 Grill in Carson City.
Our annual picnic scheduled for August 11.has been postponed. We would like to have it in September We still need a location and leader for this event. A suggestion being looked at is Galena Park. As a result the club has nothing scheduled for August so if anyone has a favorite drive and restaurant for lunch please let us know.
And don’t forget our annual Wine Run in October.
I hope to see everyone at this month’s meeting followed by yet another fabulous meal at our favorite, Napa Sonoma.
Enjoy all this glorious driving weather and see everyone soon!
Mart Jaama
- New Members & Membership Update
- Future Upcoming Events for 2019
- CANCELLED: August 11, Sixth Annual BMWCCA Sierra Chapter Picnic
- September 7, Fun Rally Monitor Pass
- October 26-27, El Dorado & Amador County Wine Tour
- Nevada City Tour Video
- BMW Briefs
- BMW Trivia
- Q&A?
- Dinner @ Napa -Sonoma South (7671 S. Virginia St in Reno) (click here f for menu) following the meeting.
Hope to see you there!