Saturday, November 28th was the best Fun Rally that the Sierra Chapter has ever had. With all that have RSVP’d, there a small but great turnout for the event. Time spent making all the preparations was very rewarding as the day wore on. Organizing an event takes a little time and effort for the figuring out all the various problems that might occur and having solutions thought out in advance. I hope that after reading this article, more members will get involved with the club activities. Maybe some of you will step up and become part of the “Faithful Few”.
The day began at the Raley’s Shopping Center, off Wedge Parkway, at 9:00 am for registration. The briefing with hand-outs at 9:15 am and the first team off at 9:30 am. This was in a typical rally format with time intervals between each car starting off on this great day. Thankfully, Mart had several years of rally experience. This was a timed event, time out and time in had to be within 4.5 hours. We didn’t want everyone bunching up become a race and follow leader to be the norm. With four different possible routes, the teams had to figure out the best way to meet the final objective. Out of all the possible sites that were originally surveyed, they had to locate 12 possibilities and remember details about what they observed. Out of 50 or so possibilities, it was narrowed down to something attainable. The sites included historical markers, haunted mansions, and local cemeteries. The area covered was from South Reno to Gardnerville. Of course, Virginia City and Genoa were also included.
What a great day. Mother nature really cooperated this time. Beautiful and temperatures in the mod-seventies. We couldn’t have asked for a better day this last weekend of October. By briefing time, we had 8 teams assembled and were excited to begin. The number “1” team to leave was Art and Diane Ona.
The final team, number “8“, Jim and Bridget Johns, was off and running at 9:45 am. Things were finally under way and on time.
For the Rally they were required to find the specific sites and explore and remember details about the sites. Learn about our historical area and drive on some beautiful and challenging roads. The challenging part of the Rally was answering a 24-question test. We ended up in Carson City for a late lunch. Gift baskets were awarded for the Rally and Costume Winners. Russ and Cheri Huntoon had the best scores and got at all the sites and took home a great gift basket. She had worn a spider costume and had her giant spider draped on the basket. I guess she had already won before the test was administered. Jim and Bridget Johns were the best costume award winners by the people’s choice survey.
The bar has been set for this event. Expect something bigger and better next year. As a club member, you are missing a lot of Fun by not participating in the activities that are offered each year. If there is something or some activity that you would like to have the club incorporate into the schedule, get in contact with one of the officers or board members and let your desires be known. The Board, the Faithful Few, meets and set the activities up for the next year. Currently the Board Meeting is in December. You have several months to get your ideas to someone.

People you should get to know who were present at the rally:
To watch the video and trip details click here. To view the photo gallery click here.