2025 Feb Second Saturday Drive
The rules/requirements are easy. You do NOT have to be a member of the Chapter to participate (Bring a friend to introduce them to the BMW CCA and our Chapter). […]
Reno, NV 89510-0011 United States
2025 Feb Sierra Chapter Meeting
We meet on the second Thursday of each month. The meetings start @ 6PM with dinner following. We will be holding our Meeting & Dinner (Feb 13th) 6:00pm @ at […]
Reno, NV 89509 United States
Hosting an Event
Hosting an event is a great contribution you can make to the club. If you enjoy participating in club events, it’ s appropriate to host one yourself that others can enjoy.
To help make your event as successful as possible we have some aids:
Guidelines for Running an Event– this is a set of guidelines to help you think through most all aspects of the event.
Event Checklist – this is a checklist to use prior to, during and after the event to be sure that all actions are taken as needed.
Event Sign-up – this is used to record needed information about event participants.
Event Evaluation – this can be given to event participants to get their feedback about the event.
Event Summary– this is used after the event to record information about how the event went, recommendations for future events, etc.
Event Newsletter Story– this is used to provide information to the newsletter editor and the web master to describe the event.
Event Photo Summary– this is used to record information about the photos taken during the event – who’s who, where the photo was taken, etc.
Additionally, club members who have hosted events in the past that are similar to the event you’re hosting are typically very willing to help in the planning and execution of the event – just ask.