Message from your Editor

Well it doesn’t seem possible, but this year is at the midpoint. People join a club for different reasons. Yours could be any number, but for the most part, it might be having a good time driving your BMW and making friends. Have Fun is our club’s main objective. Without you there is no club and no fun activities. Our board members, who oversee the various activities, put a lot of work into making the activities FUN, so get involved! Show them how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication. Keep informed and participate in club activities.

What makes a club great is participation. Not only in going to the events, but also by submitting your life experienced on the road and, especially, about your BMW experiences. This is your newsletter and you are invited to submit things of interest. If they are family friendly they could be published for all club members to enjoy. I know that you have great things to share. Send your contributions to [email protected]. I promise that it doesn’t hurt one little bit to share.

Our club is growing with membership getting close to 180. I hope to see them participate in the many activities that the club has scheduled. Speaking of participation, it would be great if many of you would also participate in another way. Remember our goal is to HAVE FUN. Not only is there are a lot of activities for the fun aspect, but there is a chance to share stories about our favorite car or cars –   the BMW, MINI, & Rolls Royce – That’s the “BMW Group” of fine automobiles.

~ Fred Watson