From Your Street Survival Fearless Leader, Jeff

It’s that time again Sierra Chapter:  Street Survival is October 3rd (3 WEEKS!) @ Sky Tavern. Those of you present at the last club meeting when I was announcing this got to see the look on my face when Nurse Jane whispered to me, “We’re out of town.”  “DOH!!!”  Well… we got that sorted out, quite peacefully, I might add, and I will be there.  That will obviously not be enough, so here’s the shout out for volunteers.
1.  We need 4-5 folks to handle registration and food (breakfast bagels, coffee and lunch)
2.  We need a crew of 10 to run the exercises
3.  We need 18 in-car coaches.
4.  And we need everyone to pitch in at the end a clean up.
Please respond and indicate what you’re willing to do as quickly as you can.  It’s a full day commitment.  There will be pre-event meetings for all three groups.