Wine Tour to El Dorado & Amador Counties
Sierra BMW Club has booked 15 rooms at the Shenandoah Inn, 209-245-4491 or 800-
542-4549, for the night of Saturday, September 29, 2012. As of Saturday, July 14 , 9 of the rooms had been taken. If you are planning on attending this year’s wine tour and have not yet booked one of the Sierra BMW Club rooms, you should do so as soon as possible. The motel will release the rooms that have not been taken on August 29th.
The September 29-30 weekend is also crush weekend and is likely to be very busy, so if you want a room you should book it early.
More detailed information on the itinerary for this year’s tour will be sent to anyone who signed up. We are limiting the sign-ups to 15, and as of July 20 , there are 12 sign
Saturday we’ll drive to Amador/El Dorado wine country, have lunch and spend the rest of the day visiting wineries to be selected (suggestions welcome). We’ll check in at The Shenandoah Inn in Plymouth, CA. Bring a bottle wine for the Wine & Cheese happy hour by the pool, followed by dinner.
Sunday we’ll meet for breakfast then maybe visit Amador Flower Farm and continue with a couple of more wineries. Itinerary and Wineries TBD.
Route: TBD
I WANT TO GO! Reply to the invitation and CALL the Shenandoah Inn at (209) 245-4491 to reserve your room, only 15 rooms have been reserved. Room rates are $106 for a King. CUTOFF DATE for booking is August 29.
Visit El Dorado Wineries and Amador Wineries for winery information.
For more information contact DeArmond Sharp or Pat McGoff
Don’t forget to make your reservations!