Street Survival
Feel free to forward this invite to anyone you think may be interested!
You must complete the online Tire Rack Street Survival Training for Coaches @ http://www.thelhtgroup.com/LHTClients/Tire_Rack/Live_Courses/Street_Survival_HTML/html/index.html
Driving Clinic for Ages 15-23
The primary emphasis of the Tire Rack Street Survival® (http://www.streetsurvival.org/) is a “hands-on” driving experience in real-world situations! We use your own car to teach you about its handling limits and how you can control them. The students will become more observant of the traffic situation they find themselves in. They will learn to look far enough ahead to anticipate unwise actions of other drivers. As the students master the application of physics to drive their cars, they will make fewer unwise driving actions themselves. They will understand why they should always wear their own seat belts, and why they should insist that their passengers wear seat belts, too.
Driving Clinic for Ages 15-23
– Full day behind the wheel with Coach
– You drive your own vehicle
– Class presentations between sessions
– Emphasis on Vehicle Dynamics
COST: $75 per student (includes lunch)
I WANT TO BE A STUDENT! To register go to the Street Survival site @ https://www.streetsurvival.org/ or go directly to the event registration at https://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/register.trss/uidEvent/E978B7A1-A051-2E75-FD7EBE4B1C8824D0
I WANT TO BE A VOLUNTEER: Volunteers DO NOT NEED TO BE CLUB MEMBERS. If you want to volunteer please accept this invitation and contact Jeff Warner ([email protected]) or email us @ [email protected]
Please indicate the type of Volunteer you would like to be:
1) An in-car coach
2) A course worker (cone fetching/fire hose operator/etc.)
3) A registration/lunch/cleanup worker
For further information visit the Street Survival web site (https://www.streetsurvival.org/) and the Sierra Chapter web site https://sierrabmwcarclub.org/all-events/2014-events/2014ss/ or contact Jeff Warner @ [email protected] or email [email protected]