Sierra Chapter Meeting@ Bill Pearce / Dinner @ La Vecchia
We meet on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom.
After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant. This month we will be going to La Vecchia (https://g.co/maps/pvdpw)
Hope to see you there!
1.New Members & Membership Update (Sharon)
2.Upcoming Events
3.August Potluck @ The McGoffs
4.Sierra Buttes Tour
5.Sierra Foothills Wine Tour
6.Barbera Festival Update (De)
7.4 Series Gran Coupe (4 doors?)
8. M235i Impresses Consumer Reports
9.BMW Trivia
11.Dinner @ La Vecchia Italian Bistro