Blackhawk Museum Tour
For detailed info visit https://sierrabmwcarclub.org/events/bmt
ROUTE: We will meet at the Sierra Summit Theatre’s Parking Lot (park in the area closest to Mt Rose Hwy) – http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&q=13965+South+Virginia+Street,+Reno,+NV&fb=1&gl=us&hnear=Reno,+NV&cid=0,0,12214915676081115788&ll=39.402858,-119.747715&spn=0.012369,0.020835&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A. We will head south on 395 to Minden. A quick stop at the Minden Starbuck’s to pick up additional members. Then south on Hwy 88 to Woodsford, left onto Hwy 89, then right onto Hwy 4. We’ll follow 4 to Stockton (through Arnold, Murphys, Angels Camp – we’ll stop for lunch – restaurant to be determined). We’ll continue on Hwy through Antioch to Pittsburgh, then Hwy 680 to San Ramon. We should arrive around 4pm for check in at the Courtyard by Marriott on 18090 San Ramon Valley Road, 1-925-866-2900. Dinner will be at Spengers Restaurant in Berkley – http://www.mccormickandschmicks.com/Locations/berkeley-california/FourthSt.aspx (time TBD). We’ll meet for breakfast (time and location TBD) and head out to the museum for the 11:00 a private tour. After the tour members will be on their own for getting home (the quickest way is probably Hwy 80). (Click here for the mapped Route – http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=1734+US+Hwy+395+N+Minden,+NV+to:38.6277531,-119.7275551+to:37.9980896,-121.7958759+to:18090+San+Ramon+Valley+Blvd.+to:3700+Blackhawk+Plaza+Cir,+Danville,+CA+94506&hl=en&ll=37.837445,-121.918716&spn=0.444126,0.54657&sll=37.845037,-121.760101&sspn=0.444081,0.54657&geocode=FVQ8WQIdIsfc-A%3BFVCAUgIdn07c-CkD4IOPhL2ZgDE2CnSNcHEF2w%3BFalpTQIdPRrd-CmTDlWNj96ZgDHWsIxHoMN0Ew%3BFQnOQwId3Yq9-CkZqNSCnleFgDGE9nGTr6mLLA%3BFT0lQAIdHfC6-CkzCLEwnvKPgDGJVG_QZyeVbg%3BFb3NQAIdZrC7-CmpmF6YMPKPgDHaL_cT0LEGIQ&gl=us&mra=dvme&mrsp=3&sz=11&via=2,3&t=h&z=11)
COSTS: All meals, Hotel accomodations are $88, 6 rooms are reserved and paid for (you’ll reimburse the Huntoons) with King size beds (if you need any other arrangement please contact Russ & Cheri Huntoon), the museum tour $7/per person.
The Blackhawk Museum was established to ensure that significant automotive treasures blending art, technology, culture and history would be exhibited for public enjoyment and educational enrichment. In September 1988, the spectacular 70,000-square-foot architectural masterpiece showcasing these rolling sculptures in a unique “jewel box” setting became a reality. Visit http://www.blackhawkmuseum.org
For further information on this event contact: Russ & Cheri Huntoon @ [email protected]