2024 September Second Saturday Drive
The rules/requirements are easy.
- You do NOT have to be a member of the Chapter to participate (Bring a friend to introduce them to the BMW CCA and our Chapter).
- No reservations are needed, we meet at the starting point starting at 9:30am on the second Saturday and leave promptly at 10:00am. If you are able to join us, please do. If you can’t make it, no big deal; we will miss you and hope to see you on the next one.
I hope that no one has suffered any losses due to the Davis fire.
For our September Second Saturday Drive, John English (past Vice-President) is going to lead the drive. At the time of this writing, the route is intended to be to Virginia City via Lake Tahoe. This route is subject to change based on the availability of getting over the Mt. Rose pass into Incline Village due to the impact of the Davis Fire. If it is still closed on Saturday, I’m confident John will pull something else out of his hat and it will still be a nice drive.
Meeting place is the same as normal (Railey ONE on Wedge Parkway), Meeting time is 9:30am for gathering with prompt departure at 10:00am. Lori and I have other commitments this month and will not be able to attend, but I wish those that make it for the drive an pleasant and safe drive.