2022 April Second Saturday Drive (SSD)
The rules/requirements are easy.
- You do NOT have to be a member of the Chapter to participate (Bring a friend to introduce them to the BMW CCA and our Chapter).
- No reservations are needed, We meet at the starting point starting at 9:30am on the second Saturday and leave promptly at 10:00am. If you are able to join us, please do. If you can’t make it, no big deal; we will miss you and hope to see you on the next one.
For our 2nd Saturday Drive this month we are going to take a short drive to Carson City via Virginia City to visit the Nevada State Railroad Museum. Admission to the Museum is $8.00. After the Museum we will have lunch at Red’s Old 395 Grill.
As usual, we will meet at the Raley’s O-N-E Market on Wedge Parkway at 9:30am, departure at 10:00am. I look forward to seeing you on the drive.