2021 May Second Saturday Drive (SSD)
Second Saturday Drive is a monthly drive event meant to give you an excuse to get out and drive your BMW at least once a month.
Happy May!
I hope this email finds you well and that are doing well. The latest news of things reopening to 100% capacity with Social Distancing is good news. I’ve been in contact with Bill Pearce and they are in the final stages of their remodel and are excited to welcome us back for our monthly meeting starting in June assuming that the construction finishes as planned. We are holding a meeting of the board this week and will decide if we will hold a May meeting at some other location. If it is decided to hold an in person chapter meeting on the 2nd Thursday, I will send out another email letting everyone know. In the meantime, below are the details on this month’s Second Saturday Drive (SSD). This event is meant to give you an excuse to get out and drive your BMW at least once a month. The rules/requirements are easy.
- You do NOT have to be a member of the Chapter to participate (Bring a friend to introduce them to the BMW CCA and our Chapter)
- BMW’s are the preferred vehicle, but all types are welcome
- No reservations are needed. We meet at the starting point starting at 9:30am on the second Saturday and leave promptly at 10:00am. If you are able to join us, please do. If you can’t make it, no big deal; we will miss you and hope to see you on the next one.
Now for the details of this months drive:
We will be meeting and leaving from the Raley’s O-N-E Market, 18144 Wedge Pkwy, Reno, NV 89511 parking lot on the South side, near the Starbucks. Our drive will take us on a non-freeway route south on 395 toward Washoe Valley and on to Caron City, continuing to Genoa and then thru Minden and Garderville to Hwy 208 toward Yerrington via Smith Valley. North of Pyramid Hwy to the Lake where we will proceed through the town of Sutcliffe and stop for a brief leg stretch and photo opportunity at one of the lakes marina/camping spots. Once we turn on to Jacks Valley Road, we will pause on the side of the road to allow everyone to catch up after driving thru the vast quantity of traffic lights along Carson Street. After brief pitstop in Genoa for a nature break, we will proceed along the route ending the drive at the Raley’s in Yerrington. Dining options in Yerrington appear to be very few, so there will be no planned meeting place for lunch. The quickest route back to Reno is to proceed north on 95A toward Silver Springs and either continue to Fernley or take the Ramsey Cutoff and US Parkway route to return to I-80 and then head West.
Below is the map of the drive, please note the specific directions are not meant to be followed turn by turn. Please use it as a general guideline for the route. Click here if you would like to download and print the map.
Click here for a larger map.
I look forward to seeing you on the drive and also welcome suggestions for routes that you might like to see us take, The idea is drive to places that you think others might enjoy and maybe even didn’t realize existed. Drives should be in the 2-3hr time frame and ideally end near a location for the group to have lunch before heading home.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Lance Taylor-Warren
2021-2022 President, BMW CCA – Sierra Chapter