2021 June Sierra Chapter Meeting
Greetings and Happy June Sierra Chapter!
We made it, we’ve officially entered the 100% open no mask required if you’ve been fully vaccinated phase and I’m pleased to announce we are hold our first in-person Chapter Meeting since the lock down started. The June meeting will be held at Bill Pearce BMW (11555 S Virginia St in Reno) on Thursday, June 10th at 6:00pm. Meeting will last about an hour and then we will migrate over to Napa/Sonoma South (Longley and S. Virginia) for dinner. Please RSVP for this meeting/dinner event so we have a good headcount for dinner. Napa/Sonoma has asked that we have no more than two checks for the group, so please be prepared to pay in cash. I look forward to seeing many of you in person.
Until next time,
Meeting Agenda
1) Board Member Introductions
2) BMW News
3) Membership Update
4) Trivia
5) New Member Challenge ($50.00 Gift Card)
6) Remainder of the Year Calendar
7) Questions
8) Adjourn to Dinner