2021 April Second Saturday Drive (SSD)
Happy Spring!
I hope this email finds you well and that you had a great Easter Weekend. As the COVID restrictions continue to lessen we are hoping to get back to a more normal club calendar in the next month or so. I’m still inclined to skip an in person chapter meeting for April, but we are holding the Second Saturday Drive (SSD). This event is meant to give you an excuse to get out and drive your BMW at least once a month. The rules/requirements are easy.
The rules/requirements are easy.
- You do NOT have to be a member of the Chapter to participate (bring a friend to introduce them to the BMW CCA and our Chapter)
- BMW’s are the preferred vehicle, but all types are welcome
- No reservations are needed, We meet at the starting point starting at 9:30am on the second Saturday and leave promptly at 10:00am. If you are able to join us, please do. If you can’t make it, no big deal; we will miss you and hope to see you on the next one.
Now for the details of this months drive:
We will be meeting and leaving from the North McCarren and Pyramid Hwy Raley’s (2895 N McCarran Blvd in Sparks) parking lost on the North side, east of the McDonalds. Our drive will take us North of Pyramid Hwy to the Lake where we will proceed through the town of Sutcliffe and stop for a brief leg stretch and photo opportunity at one of the lakes marina/camping spots. After we regroup we will head back through Sutcliffe and proceed toward the town of Nixon. Once in Nixon, we will head north on NV Hwy 447 along one of the Nevada Scenic byway routes along the eastern side of Pyramid Lake. We will then double back just after leaving the Indian Reservation and proceed to I-80 and back to Reno ending the drive at the Wild Island Parking Lot.
I look forward to seeing you on the drives and also welcome suggestions for routes that you might like to see us take. The idea is drive to places that you think others might enjoy and maybe even didn’t realize existed. Drives should be in the 2-3 hour time frame and ideally end near a location for the group to have lunch before heading home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Lance Taylor-Warren
2021-2022 President, BMW CCA – Sierra Chapter