2019 May Sierra Chapter Meeting
We meet on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom.
After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant.
We are getting into BMW driving weather. So go out and enjoy your BMW. Our annual Virginia City drive is happening on May 11th, departing at 9:00 AM from the Mt Rose Raley’s.
I checked out the drive to Berlin. The date will be. June 29th. The times still need to be verified. We will meet and depart from Fallon. Then we will stop for an early lunch at Middlegate. Then we will head to Berlin State Park after lunch. They have tours of the Ichthyosaur Fossil Shelter at 2:00 PM. There are also tours of the mine. Let me know and I will make reservations. There will be a fee for the mine tours.
Registration opens for BMWCCA’s 50th Anniversary.on May 8th. It will be held at the club headquarters and BMW factory in South Carolina October 14 to 19. I have to go since I was at the first one in Concord Massachusetts. Russ is working on a tour of Intreped Motors (support and repair race cars) in June. Details to follow.
Mart Jaama
- New Members & Membership Update
- Future Upcoming Events for 2019
- May 11, Virginia City Tour
- June29, Berlin Ghost Town Tour
- July 20, Nevada City Tour
- May 11, Virginia City Tour
- BMW Briefs
- BMW Trivia
- Q&A?
- Miguel’s Mexican Restaurant, 13901 S Virginia St, Reno (click here for menu
Hope to see you there!