2015 Wine Tour
– Club Events are for Sierra Chapter Members Only –
We have blocked 15 rooms at the Shenandoah Inn in name of Sierra BMW Club, 209-245-4491 or 800-542-4549, for the night of Saturday, September 19, 2015.
Saturday we’ll drive to Amador/El Dorado wine country, have lunch and spend the rest of the day visiting wineries to be selected (suggestions welcome). We’ll check in at The Shenandoah Inn in 17674 Village Dr, Plymouth, CA. Bring a bottle wine for the Wine & Cheese happy hour by the pool.
Sunday we’ll meet for breakfast then maybe visit Amador Flower Farm and continue with a couple of more wineries.
Itinerary and Wineries TBD.
Route: TBD
More detailed information on the itinerary for this year’s tour will be sent to anyone who signed up.