Kars for Kids – We Showed & We Shined
by Pat McGoff
The Kars for Kids event at Sky Tavern held on September 13th was a non-BMW event that took me by surprise. There were all types of cars that showed up and entered the charity event and many clubs that competed for the $1000 prize for the most cars entered by a club. The top two clubs were the Mustang Club with 27 entrants and the BMW club with 30 cars participating…so we won! The rules didn’t specifically state it HAD to be a BMW. We were also represented by a Mercedes, an Explorer, Mini and a Corvette which helped us out tremendously.
There were great raffle prizes given out every 15 minutes. De Sharp will look great in the pink Jaguar T Shirt he won. He gave away the Roller Kingdom tickets he won. It would have been nice to see him and Joyce at the rink. My wife would like to thank whoever left the Land Rover key chain on her windshield. Just what she always wanted (not). Last but not least the event ended with a live auction. I wonder how Jane Warner likes the ski lift chair that Jeff was high bidder on. I heard it looks great in front of the picture window. As could be expected, there was a little sour grapes from the Mustang people. One lady passed the Huntoon’s and said one of our members brought eight cars. Not true but maybe next year! Members did man their cell phones and got members to come who had no plans on attending the event. Lex Anastassatos was on Reserve duty for the weekend, and had brought his car the night before. We knew we needed more cars so he enlisted the help of his boss and brought his X5! I drove Jim Goodfellow home so he could bring another car to the event. Russ Huntoon strode in on his BMW motorcycle while Cheri followed in her daughter’s BMW. Carmina stayed home and packed for their upcoming move but did let Ron Nicasio out so he could participate.