2019 September Sierra Chapter Meeting
We meet on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom.
After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant. This month we will be going to Famous Dave’s (4925 Kietzke Lane) (click here for menu) following the meeting. following the meeting.
Hello everyone – I hope that many of you were able to join us on the Monitor Poker Run on Saturday, September 7th and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and excellent BMW driving roads and lunch at Reds.
Our next big event is the annual overnight Wine Tour on Saturday and Sunday October 26th and 27th. Because of the extreme popularity of this event I’m not sure if there are any spaces left. For any questions please contact DeArmond Sharp. This is a great event so if you have no luck this year, please put it in your calendars for next year.
A non-BMW CCA for Shark owners is the Pacific Sharkfest which will happen at Lake Tahoe on October 4th – 6th.
In November I’m hoping to put together a trip to the Train Museum. In December we will celebrate our annual Christmas Holiday Party and Dinner which will bring the year to an end.
Hope to see you at the September meeting!
Mart Jaama
- New Members & Membership Update
- Future Upcoming Events for 2019
– October 26-27, El Dorado & Amador County Wine Tour
– December 12, Holiday Party - BMW Briefs
- BMW Trivia
- Q&A?
- Dinner @ Famous Dave’s (4925 Kietzke Lane) (click here for menu) following the meeting