2019 February Sierra Chapter Meeting
We meet on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom.
After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant.
President’s Message
Greetings everyone on this cold February day. Thankfully the sun is out after a lot of snow and winter weather.
With hazardous road conditions all around we need to be extra careful and vigilant with our driving. This is not the time to be touring around mountain curves so let’s save that for better weather. We do however have a very enjoyable social event planned this month on Saturday February 16 at 10 am at the Nevada Railroad Museum. This will be followed by lunch at Red’s Old 395 Grill. So come out and enjoy some of our heritage and socialize with our wonderful members.
If any members have any ideas of what we can do as a club, please don’t hesitate to tell the board so we can implement them and hopefully make them happen.
Meanwhile stay safe and take your BMW out for Valentine’s Day dinner at Famous Dave’s following our next meeting at Pearce BMW at 6pm.
Looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Mart Jaama
- New Members & Membership Update
- Future Upcoming Events for 2019
- Holiday Party Video
- BMW Briefs
- Trivia
- Q&A?
- Dinner @ Famous Dave’s (4925 Kietzke Lane) (click here for menu)
Hope to see you there!