2016 Street Survival

If you didn’t get to join us Saturday, October 8th for Street Survival you can still share our experience…

Sierra Bimmerheads,

Thanks to all who pitched in for Street Survival.  I’m sure the new location had a lot to do with it, but I think it was the best one ever.  The final count after one called in sick and another no-showed, was 28 drivers.  The critiques showed that both parents and students appreciated the facility… a lot!  They also gave kudos for the coaching.  AND… I think the feedback on the classroom presentations was the best ever!  Way to go Steve.  Why didn’t we dump that other guy sooner?

For the first time ever at this location, the course layouts and the flow went pretty smoothly.  The water and soap actually worked, for a change, to get cars loose.  One important achievement for the day, the schedule:  we started on time, stayed on time, and finished on time.

Alice and Diane will have to provide the necessary critique of how registration went.  I can say this from double-checking… we collected 100% of the minor waivers and with 83 signatures on the regular waiver, I don’t think we missed anyone.  Steve Reimer generously comp’d 50% of the Einstein goodies.  Just a FYI, we were charged $400 for the use of the facility, which is reimbursed to us by Street Survival.

Fred, thanks for the pictures.  Looking forward to seeing them.  Plz fwd to Carol for the website.

The only trace at day’s end that we had been there might have been a few bagel crumbs.  Thanks for everyone’s help cleaning up.  If you are friends with the Porsche Club guys who helped out, please give them a “thanks”.

It’s more than a one-man job.  I would encourage anyone willing, to step forward and help Steve Polimeni keep the program going.

Jeff- Your Janitor